

Posts by Admin-D

Student Support Program

Student Support Program The CRO, in a joint venture with other Circassian Xasas initiated the Student Support Program to help young Circassians start a new life, acquire education, and built a better future. Since the start of the program and more students have been applying to the program. The…

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The CRO-Backpack Drive 2021

The CRO-Backpack Drive 2021 Last year, through your generous contributions, the Circassian Repatriation Organization was able to help 768Circassian children with back to school supplies. We hope this year we can do the same for 1000 children. Arriving at school fully stocked ensures that low-income students can confidently face…

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An invitation to participate in the CRO 2022 Calendar Design Contest

An invitation to participate in the CRO 2022 Calendar Design Contest

Driven by its role in supporting our youth, highlighting and promoting their creative work, the Circassian Repatriation Organization launches the CRO Calendar Design Contest for the year 2022.

The CRO will distribute the printed calendar, as done in the past…

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يوم المرأة العالمي

احتلت المرأة في ثقافتنا مكانة متميزة، فالأساطير الشركسية تضعها في مرتبة تصل إلى حد التقديس، وتتغنى تارة بجمالها ورقتها، وتارة أخرى بحكمتها وسعيها للسلام، فكانت دائماً الملجأ الذي يحتمى به، كما كان حضورها لمكان أي نزاع كافياً لفضه. لذلك لا يمكن التغاضي عن الدور المهم الذي تقوم به المرأة…

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